Sunday, November 22, 2009

10 things I am thankful for...

Thanksgiving is a time for just that: giving thanks for the things in life that are meaningful to you. Some of the most meaningful things to me are...

1.My Mom- My mom is someone who is always caring and looking out for everyone else. She never has an unkind word to say about anyone, and she always is giving. She is the rock that I lean on for support and the glue that holds my family together.

2.My Dad- My dad is a hardworking and virtuous man. He believes in working for your goals and always being persistent. He is one of my role models in life; aways providing a good example.

3.My Sister, Jillian- Jillian is honestly one of my best friends. She is two and a half years younger than me, but she is still really easy to relate to. I can always talk to her about my problems and count on her to cheer me up.

4.My Sister, Madelyn- Madelyn is like my own personal comedian. She is always telling complex and funny jokes and stories. Madelyn is six and a half years younger than me, but I never mind having her around.

5.My Brother, Jack- Jack is the "baby" of the family even though he is almost six years old. He is very much like Madelyn in the fact that he cracks me up. If I am ever bored, all I need to do is go find Jack.

6.My home- I am beyond grateful to have a warm and sheltering house to come home to every day after school. In this economy, you must be thankful for any chance you have, which makes me all the more thankful for a home. This also makes me thankful for my dad's job.

7.My Friends- I am very appreciative for all the people in my life, including my wonderful friends. Family can only go so far and when all else fails, I turn to some of my best friends. They make me smile and always help with problems.

8.My Faith- The world is never going to be perfect, and we all need a "reason" to live. Belief in God, for me, makes up a huge part of who I am. Not just at church do I try to be a good Catholic, I try to bring my values into every aspect of my life and when I do, things always work out.

9.My Country and Those Who Serve It- I am very proud to be an American and to have all the rights that come with that status. I am also very proud of all those who serve our country, like the Armed Forces, Humanitarian groups, and police and firemen. Those who put themselves in harm's way for the sake of others deserve to be thanked for all they do to protect us.

10.I am thankful that my mom would go out of her way to take me to New Moon and then sit through the entire movie just because she knew how much I wanted to see it. That sentence says it all, and yet I am still extremely grateful.