Sunday, January 3, 2010

Holiday Traditions

My family and I celebrate Christmas together every year, and every year we have certain traditions that we like to follow. The days leading up to Christmas are always very busy; with all the shopping, cleaning, and baking that we have to, there is barely any time to waste. The day before Christmas Eve is always the most hectic, with last minute gifts being bought, all the rooms being dusted, washed, and vacuumed to perfection, and my mom and I franticly baking rows upon rows of cookies and sweetbreads. This is also when I make a majority of my gifts to friends and family: homemade chocolate. It seems crazy to do all this work in one day, but we do it so that Christmas Eve is a relaxing day. Our whole family sleeps in on Christmas Eve, exhausted from working so hard the previous day, and has Belgian waffles for breakfast. (Which, in my opinion, is one of the greatest things on Earth.) Afterwards, we start to get ready for the Children’s Mass at St. Genevieve, our church. The Children’s Mass is always fun to go to, because the little first and second graders are all angels and shepherds in the Nativity re-enactment. After Mass ends, we catch up a little with some of our friends and wish them a “Merry Christmas”. Finally, once we get home, we sit down and have “family game night” Family game night is an idea that my five year old brother came up with where my whole family plays Scene It? Jr. together until he goes to bed. It’s still really cute to see him get so excited, though. After everyone eats a buffet-style dinner that my parents and I make, we all go to sleep, anticipating the coming morning and excitement it will bring.

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