Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year

On New Year’s Eve this year, my family did something similar to what we do on Christmas Eve. My mom and I made a buffet-style dinner with lots of easy finger foods that my whole family enjoyed immensely. Afterwards, we had another “family game night” at the insistence of my brother. I am beginning to think that those Hasbro commercials had a lot to do with his thinking, though. As soon as the game was won and my brother was sound asleep in his bed, my mom, sisters, and I headed over to our neighbors’ house, which is also where my best friend lives. My dad decided to stay home because he wasn’t feeling too well, and he was definitely missed. At the Pollock’s house, we hung out downstairs and played the Wii for awhile. When the clock neared midnight, all the “non-adults” got champagne glasses with sparkling wine (non-alcoholic of course), and the adults filled their glasses with real wine. We all stood around the television in the family room and watched the ball drop in Times Square, counting down the last seconds of 2009. When the fireworks shot up and everyone cheered, we did too and touched our glasses together. Then all the kids ran onto the front porch with pots, pans, and metal spoons, and started hitting away. I was thinking back to all the good memories that occurred in 2009, like my Confirmation, eighth grade graduation, one of the greatest summers ever, Cross Country, and starting high school while they were out there making such a racket. Finished looking back, I set my mind forward to 2010 and all its upcoming events that I am looking forward to, like Track and Field, driver’s education in the spring, summer, my sixteenth birthday, and another season of Cross Country. I also set my mind towards my goals for this year and how I am going to accomplish them, all the while readying myself for what is sure to be a great year.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a fun time! I hope 2010 is as great, if not better than 2009!
